My mother always made the holidays special for me as a little girl, it started with her mother doing it her and her siblings and now the traditions are passed down to my boys. Despite what I do, Nannie makes it so magical at her house.
If I ever rode my bike in the house as a child I would be grounded, this must be a grandparent thing? Breaking and bending the rules? |

The one on the left is my mothers work the one the right is um, mine I didn’t inherit the creative gene.
Everything is decorated even the circular trivet! |
The bathroom is even decked-out too |
The famous “heart of the home” table. I just love her creative touches, the witches hat and red apple. To the candy-corn candles in the ghostly carrier. |
My mother always says you can take something simple and make it work. She makes everything look so effortless. Yeah sometimes I just don’t want to like her, LOL! |
This is my favorite framed halloween pieces that she has. If this picture could talk it would say, “Its off to Nannies we go, for prizes, treats and goodies galore!” |
I will admit this cat frightens me and I don’t understand how my children adore this one so. |
Sundays we usually do a backyard bbq weather permitting that is |
Since it is October, Pumpkins are the theme |
From pumpkins to owl placemats and the matching orange knives, she thinks of everything. |
The dessert table has to be decorated too! Seriously my mother puts me to shame in all categories. |
IF I only had a brain, knack or creative gene for this thing! How does she do it? So not fair. |
Dishtowel over her oven |
Sometime after I drop the kids off at school I will stop by. She will make my toddler breakfast in his special pan and place it in his special themed plate. Seriously how cute is she with the coffee mugs? |
Out of all the rooms in her house, he loves his Nannies kitchen best. I have memories cooking with my Nan as well! ~ notice my son has an Italian apple in his mouth (tomato) from my mothers garden. |
The little Goblin devoured it before I could get the finished product on his plate!