More like “Rolls out” the red carpet!!!
I couldn’t believe this when I was told about the new social membership that Renaissance ClubSport in Aliso Viejo Laguna Beach was offering.
Before I continue I think its best you put your socks on and sit down, because this is going to knock your socks off, literally!!!! Are you ready? Ok brace yourself, The Renaissance ClubSport in Aliso Viejo Laguna Beach. You know the top health club in Orange County? Well they are offering a new social membership for $60 a month.
Before you scuff this off, this is what it entails…..” Aimed to encourage community engagement, the unique membership offers entry to the club’s vast social calendar of events.” OK THE BEST PART; which includes access to Kids World. OK incase you don’t know the Kids World is every parents dream of quiet for THREE HOURS and the kids love it too. Did I clearly articulate that they offer three hours of complimentary childcare A DAY, for the social membership, for one price of $60?!?!?!
What does a social membership include? Besides the three hour child care. Not just for one kid its for ALL the kids in your family. So if you have 1, 2, 3, or even 4 kids its still $60. Seriously someone get out the smelling salts!
Ok ok back to what it includes; dining options at the Citrus Fresh Grill and Lounge,
Special room and spa rates and admission to the beer and wine club. OH and one more important thing, Kids eat free on Thursday and they HAVE PRIME RIB Thursdays, yes thats right. I got my meat on, my mother opted for the fish. Both were excellent.
You know what was also excellent? Eating in peace and sending the Kids to eat in Kids World. I opted to let them eat in Kids World. We both got our cake and got to eat it too! Well not a cake for me it was more like a Bloody Mary (designated driver not included), helps bringing a DD. My mom was the driver. She had tomato juice on the rocks with a splash of lemon because she is just so OC!
One day having the three hour child care pays for the $60 social membership. Considering you pay $10 an hour for your babysitter and lets say you have 2 kids and pay $20 an hour. Hence why my kids are always with me. Well not for long with this new social membership!!!!!!!! Can you say KIDS WORLD, because I am getting the $60 Social Membership?!?!?!?
Seriously finally a place that wants to give mommies and daddies around OC a break. You finally get it! Ok maybe they didn’t do it for that purpose however I am your biggest supporter with this getting social and losing my kids for three hours. Going out for Taco Tuesday would cost me $90, including babysitters, tacos a drink or two, and a tip. What it costs for three hours for babysitting for me is paid for in one visit at Kids World. I love this new membership. Its like getting free childcare after using it once and its good for the whole month. I was also told you can bring their dinner to Kids World while you are doing Taco Tuesday, listening to the bands on Friday, doing the wine and cheese events, or just eating out at their restaurant.
This is such a great deal, don’t let it sail on……
I have two littles 4 and 11 years old and they loved Kids World, but not as much as I did!!!
Now I can do a bunch of things on their social calendar for one small price of $60. The membership includes access to Kids World as well as being able to attend the events at the Renaissance ClubSport. Oh and you can not drop off your kids and leave the site. However who would want to? I felt like I was at a country club. It gave the feel of a country club back East with a family flare. Very kid friendly, professional and lots to do.
I have been way to ecstatic about the Kids World that I wanted to clarify, dining out at the restaurant, taco Tuesday or other featured events costs additional money. DUH OBVIOUSLY. However now you have a babysitter for low price of $60 a month. I want to cry this is such a good deal.
This social membership isn’t just for families it is for those without kids as well. However as a mom I had a duty to to really stand on my soapbox and share to all you OC Families out there. Say no to stay at home nights, overpriced babysitters and just sitting home in yoga pants. Get your lipstick on, get out of those yoga pants and gather your significant others or your girlfriends and party on …till 10pm anyway. Did I mention they have free WIFI? Drop the kids off enjoy their social membership with the calendar of events; and make all your friends envious that you ditched your kids for three hours, I already have my instagram hastags ready to go; #kidfreenight #donthate #60dollars4threehoursadayofchildcare #girlsnightout #tacotuesdayfortheparents #igotridofthemonsters #diditforthefreewifi
Well, I don’t pay for childcare, so I am not quite sure it would pay for itself in my case, but it seems like a neat thing to do.
We have enjoyed “free” babysitting for years I shudder at the thought of not having someone I could trust to watch my little ones. $60/month is dirt cheap and it looks like they would have a ton of fun!
these sound like some amazing deals if you lve in this area. It’s hard to find good deals at clubs these days
Nice… I want one here in San Jose!!! I have 3 kiddos!!!
This looks like such a fun time. The food and drinks look great, and the child care is nice as well.
sounds like a great time for all kids are cared for while parents get a much needed break
This sounds like such a great place for the whole family. The kids would definitely like Kids World and the food and pampering services would be great too.
What a fun idea and the fact that you can do this even without kids, as we are a family without human kids.
I have been saying for years that I need a place where I can drop off my kids and eat in peace. I dont even remember what that is like and 60$ is a bargain
Kids World does sound fun. And hurrah for dd’s who come along to be the driver.
Looks like a great club. The social membership is a deal.
This looks great. And that price is hard to beat!! Great info!
Laguna Beach?? I’ve been obsessed since the show came out. The Food looks great and it seems you had a great time