I am addicted to pinning and posting boards on Pinterest. Not sure if I will ever use all the ideas I post. I am sure I will incorporate these ideas one day in the far far future, or at least I think I will. I am sure I can actually make the time to spare moments from pinning on Pinterest and recreate the pins I just pinned. I went to my friends daughters 3rd birthday, it was a Disney themed Minnie Mouse party and it was adorable. I was blown away with how creative and cute it was, my inner child was delighted and I was so excited to be part of such a magical party. I then nominated her to be my party coordinator for all my parties going forward. She told me she got the ideas from Pinterest. Me: Wait people actually use what they pin,“Wow that is great, I can’t wait to try the 200 million ideas on my pin boards I posted.” Talk about embarrassing.” I use pintrest to get ideas and I get excited yet when its time to put into practice I realize I ain’t no Martha! I am so uncreative, I am ok with that too. When I was taking art and we had to draw a straight line with a RULER, I couldn’t even do that. So that should give you some ideas to my ability. For now I will just continue pinning and when I win the lottery and I have a group of professionals (those who can draw a straight line with a ruler) I will put my “Pins” into practice and they will be fantastic. For now they look so pretty displayed on my boards.
My friend Bri “The mastermind behind the party” and Pinterest Queen! |
This table greeted the guest as they entered the Magical World of Julie’s 3rd birthday |
Notice the water bottles. OHHH so cute! |
Julie couldn’t get enough of her party table. |
She was showing me the water bottles. |
Getting me a cupcake. Love this child! |
Her outfit matched the party and decorations. OHH eat your heart out PINTEREST! |
Cotton Candy, this is so my dream party, Oh to be 3 again! |
Somin Somin for the parents and kids alike. Sangria for the kids 21 and over and Pink Lemonade for the kids under 21. What I loved was that a parent was always by this station watching so the kids didn’t get them mixed up. |
There was a coloring station for the kids with activity and stickers. Notice my babies hands covered in Chocolate. |
We even had a professional artist do face and hand painting :0) |
My little man was confused with pin the flower on Minnie Mouse so he placed the flower on himself. |
I ate like four or five of these pretty things. |
An Oreo at the bottom of this cupcake, now this deserves a prize! |
The birthday girl got her very own BIG cupcake. I was kind of jealous, I would have shared but she knew of my intentions so she licked the whole thing before I could ask. |
It was a wonderful birthday party with ideas from Pinterest with Bri’s own spectacular touch added. Who knew Pinterest was actually for using the ideas you pin. You learn something new every day.