While visiting New York and staying on Long Island I have to say I enjoyed all the food I have tried so far. Restaurants and shops alike in Huntington. After going out to restaurants and enjoying what they had to offer. I really wanted to do a night in. I was pleased when I found Marty’s Gourmet Seafood. Since I am a tourist per say I have never heard of Marty’s before. For you long islanders I know you are shaking your head at me at this moment, or maybe not… as this is a best kept secret???

I was so happy when the lovely young couple at Marty’s Gourmet Seafood invited me to partake in taking a tour and sampling some of their fresh seafood at their market.
I am big on presentation and customer service. Both were met as soon as I walked through the front door. I loved how clean and neat everything looked. I especially liked how they set everything up.

I couldn’t help but see recipe cards and papers placed strategically around the market. I asked the owner and he told me that the customers share their recipes with the seafood they bought. Sometimes they share recipes they found online. I really liked that, not only did it have the feel that this was your go to local fish market it was REALLY a place where customers love coming in, it really is a sweet community. They pride themselves with not just customer service but really getting to know their customer.

Magazines adorned the table, perhaps more recipes to browse through. Or just a place to sit and chat while waiting for your order or just sit and take it all in. So many beautiful pieces of unique art hung on the wall and from the ceiling. It was very authentic and original. This was my kind of place. All I was missing was a cup of coffee.

Anytime I see a chalkboard as a menu I am in love! There is something so personable about that, that just makes me want to walk in and be a customer.

I was too excited to sit down I had to keep taking a look around. I was so mesmerized by how fresh the seafood was. It looked and smelled very fresh, so fresh like you just fished it out from the pier and they cleaned it, wrapped it and placed it on the ice for you.

Just take a look at that Sushi – Grade Tuna! The Atlantic Swordfish, I am not huge fan as I don’t like the way it usually looks in the supermarkets… that was until I saw it today. I decided that I would give it a whirl. No need to bait me on…..

The show was stolen by the lobsters! All attention went to them for moment.
Seriously I couldn’t stop staring at these beauties and thinking how my melted butter with a garlic sauce would complement those VERY fresh lobsters.
My son couldn’t stop staring either and I was then sidetracked by the scallops and that salmon!
It was hard to stay focused at Marty’s Gourmet Seafood, everything was so fresh and you wanted to try it all.
Look how fresh this salmon is!
Enthralled by all this fresh seafood it was easy to ignore all the external noise all around. Well not all noise, my toddler is still fixated on the lobster. And demands that my attention be put back to the lobsters and encourages his father and I to take just another look. Huge props to my son for his earner solicitation to his father to buy him those lobsters. A toddler after my own heart, which was short lived when he said he was hungry and took a quick look around to see what he could grab.
So long lobsters and melted butter, my toddler is eyeing the crab ragoons. I love this boy, he really does have impeccable taste.
Thank goodness for this diversion, as I almost forgot what I was doing. I was so enthralled by all the fresh seafood. I realized I had to make a decision and what I was going to get to sample. It was so hard to decide.
Crab rangoons, clam strips, popcorn shrimp, and seafood shells just to name a few of the choices. This is truly making it so difficult to decide.
Next my eyes locked with all the fresh salads. OH the agony and torture, how can you just choose ONE fresh salad. My tastebuds are now getting impatient with my indecisiveness.
Get ready to be tantalized and reeled in yet again with these salmon burgers. They were just so beautiful I had to take a picture.
Seriously just stop and stare at this salmon burger. You know you are so salivating just looking! I bet this tastes so amazing on the grill accompanied by Marty’s cole slaw and a fruit salad. OMG! Yes it would, I can just taste it.
Not only is Marty’s known for their seafood! They have the best shrimp cocktail and they make all their soups from scratch everyday!
I couldn’t make up my mind as everything looked so wonderful. I was like a kid in a candy shop too many fabulous things to choose from. So I had them choose for me. As I was waiting I had the pleasure to speak to a customer who had been going to Marty’s for over 20 years. She told me not only is it the freshest seafood on the island, you feel more like a friend than a customer. Its our neighborhood and our friends and I love going to Marty’s. She also told me how her daughter would sit and stare at the lobsters as well. It brought back many memories.
After much anticipation my samples were ready. I had to try a little of each and I was so excited to go back to where I was staying and light up the BBQ and eat some really good seafood!
Here is what we finally took home!
Jumbo fresh shrimp cocktail, Tuna Salad, Salmon, Swordfish, Stuffed clams, and Crab Rangoon.
I have to say that their Crab Rangoons were little pockets of deliciousness that went all too quickly. Trying to pry get these out of your toddlers hands will be difficult. You will want to make sure you have enough for those who don’t like to share. I have to say they hit the spot with being filled with cream cheese and crab goodness. Hard to blame the toddler for not wanting to share!
The salmon was fresh and pink which required no special preparation so simply seasoned with salt, pepper and olive oil and grilled. Skin was crispy and salmon was moist and delicious. Simply the best piece of fish I’ve had in years.
Swordfish prepared on the grill with green point all abroad seasoning. Seasoning coating on the outside perfectly complimented the moist fish on the inside causing me to eat more greedily than usually and before I knew it the whole swordfish steak was gone.
Stuffed clams, with the breading with chunks of clams on the inside balanced flavors.
The tuna salad light on mayo because the tuna was so f rest and delicious it needed no masking. Generous slices of celery adding a satisfying and tasty crunch to every bite.

We also took home some seasonings and lets not forget the cocktail sauce.

We also tried three of their freshly made soups. We tried the long island clam chowder, carrot dill and the butternut squash.
Goodness they were all so good. Now the long island clam chowder was a first for me. This chowder had TONS of clams and vegetables in it. This was a WHOLE meal in itself and it was absolutely delicious.
Marty’s Gourmet Seafood makes me want to move to New York! The feeling of a small town and great customer service not to mention their great food. I defiantly want to take a family trip and go to Marty’s and grab some seafood and enjoy some good eating with my family. I really would love to take my grandmother as she would just be in awe. She is the epitome of a true Italian and it would be so neat to see her picking out her fresh seafood and even a better treat having her cook it up for all us.
You New Yorkers are very lucky to have such a fresh seafood market on the Island, such as Marty’s Seafood. If I lived on the island I would going at least once a week if not more.
Check out Marty’s Gourmet Seafood on