Have you seen my Staples? The Top 6 Staples You Should Have In Your Kitchen At All Times

May 13, 2016

So… I have been tasked to write my first post for this new blog journey that I am undertaking with my cousin “the blogger.” Adrianne and I have chit-chatted about the blog world and I admire her discipline to blogging every day. You see I too have a blog, but off the top of my head, I couldn’t tell you the last time I posted on it. Here’s the funny thing, I enjoy writing. I am just not someone who writes on command. Heck, my cousin wrote my bio for this blog.  I have a difficult enough of a time having to put together a recipe for a friend, when that so-called recipe is all in my head. I suppose that is the marks of a chef. Creative and inspired, but always on my time and my terms. And, so it begins. Buckle up “lollipops” we’re in for a wild ride!!!

Here is Your Mission…(Mission Impossible music playing in my head)

The Top 5 Staples You Should Have In Your Kitchen At All Times


Well, aside from having moi in your kitchen, which would probably make your life easier, I will try to give you an idea of what my “oh my God, how can I even begin to create a masterpiece” without these items list. That being said, please keep in mind that these are my die-hard staples and staples can vary according to your own preference.

The first item is a “gimmee” because without it, you may as well call out for Chinese food. Hands down, the most important thing in my kitchen is my chef’s knife. A great knife should be an extension of your hand. One of my favorite books, Kitchen Confidential has a line it that explains it perfectly.

“Please believe me, here’s all you will ever need in the knife department:  ONE good chef’s knife, as large as is comfortable for your hand.  One chef’s knife.  This should cut just about anything you might work with, from a shallot to a watermelon, an onion to a sirloin strip.”

Perhaps some other time we can discuss my love and obsession with steel.

#1 – EVOO

More commonly known as extra virgin olive oil, or liquid gold. It is expensive people, the good stuff anyway and that’s exactly what you need. You can cut corners, cut costs a lot of places in your life and your kitchen, but do not, I mean DO NOT go cheap here. You can taste cheap and it will show. One of the coolest things these days, is all the olive oil farms that have sprung up throughout California and just like wineries, you can have olive oil tastings. Some oils have a nutty bouquet, while others have floral or fruity bouquet. One of my favorites is Boundary Bend of Cobram Estates in Australia. They recently have set up US operations in Woodland, CA. http://www.boundarybend.com/olive-oil/

#2 – Sea Salt

I prefer the course, as I have a salt mill. What’s the difference you might be thinking to yourself? Salt is salt. The main differences between sea salt and table salt are in their taste, texture and processing. Sea salt is produced through evaporation of ocean water or water from saltwater lakes, usually with little processing. Depending on the water source, this leaves behind certain trace minerals and elements. Check out Seasalt.com to get a more in-depth guide to sea salt.

#3 – Hot Sauce

They don’t call me spicy just because of my mouth. I LOVE spicy foods and I have a tendency to add hot sauce, cayenne pepper, jalapeno or red chili flakes to almost everything I eat. I love spicy so much, that there was no logical way I could only list 1 sauce. I have 3 “must have” hot sauces I like to have in my kitchen at all times. Drum roll please…Cholula, Frank’s Hot Sauce and of course Sriracha. Depending on what I am eating depends on what I will use. For example, I enjoy Sriracha mixed with a little garlic and mayo on my artichokes. Frank’s, you can put that on or in almost anything, from Alfredo sauces to compound butters. And of course, Cholula because who doesn’t love tacos?

 #4 – Beans, Beans, Beans

Oh I do recall hearing something about how magical they are. Again, in my house, they are an absolute staple. We love them, burritos, dips, soups, salads, breakfast, lunch or dinner. We want our beans. We support bean equality, brown ones, red ones, black or white, who cares as long as we have some.

#5 – Cheese

Cheese, like bacon makes everything better. Rough day at the office? Triple cream brie can sooth your soul. Friends drop by unexpectedly; I see an impromptu cheese platter coming to life with a little fresh fruit, crackers and nuts. And show me one person who doesn’t get weak in the knees over a really good mac-n-cheese. I love them all!

#6 – Garlic

Last, but not least, garlic. It goes with everything and I use a ton of it and it has health benefits such as, antiviral, antioxidants, antibacterial, blood clots, blood pressure, cholesterol, to name a few. Roasted with a little EVOO is great with bruschetta, minced into any sauce or smeared all over your favorite protein. Either way, your house will smell fabulous and your body will thank you.

So there it is folks, my first post. Can I get a round of applause please? I mean really, I did write on command. Doesn’t that merit some type of award, accolades, a prize. Something! Whatever!

Mucho ~ Lisa Marie a.k.a.Sassy Latina Chef

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  1. Loved your post! Well done and kudos to the chef! I was happy to see I keep most in my house. Well all really but I’m never sure how to use some. Looking forward to read more of your post.

  2. love it …. i have these all the time in my kitchen… but please Don’t tell my husband he will expect me to cook a whole lot more…thanks for reminding me of to look in my pantry more often it’s not that bleak after all..

  3. I am feeling seriously under equipped! I have some of these, guess it’s time to head to the market! Thanks Lisa! 💋

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