Brotherly love

I have three rambunctious boys in my house. At times they all dog pile each other and I feel more like a referee than a mom at times. They can go from punching to laughing in an instant. More so with the older two, they don’t do that to the baby. They tolerate the baby’s left hook. They help him form a fist and laugh when he “attacks” them both. Crazy monkeys in my house. I tell them they can’t do that, they tell me they are making him tough. OH BOY oh BOYS!

As I watch how they love on each other and how they look after each other it makes me smile and melts my heart. It also pops the stitch in my heart that will always be broken and on the mend. My older brother passed unexpectedly in 2010.

 It makes me so happy to see my boys looking up to one another. It reminds me of what my brother and I once had and I’m so happy that my boys get to enjoy this time. It truly is a gift and I am extremely blessed.

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