Dear Juicer,
Last year I bought you and your twin “Black and Decker Juicer” for $49.99 each. I bought one for myself and the other for my mother. I actually bought mine first and loved it so much I figured as a birthday gift I would buy her one. It was the perfect gift for someone who is beginning to juice. I loved you or I was infatuated with the thought of you. Not even three weeks into juicing you just fell apart on me, you snapped out of it. I mean the side just snapped off. Not soliciting for my mothers juicer I told her and she demanded I take hers. I felt bad taking her gift, she said she would rather have me use it. So I will admit I used you off and on for a week and then It got old so you collected dust for six months. I recently started using you again and I know how you felt about being the rebound. I could tell how indifferent you were as not even two weeks into juicing it happened again, you just snapped. Yesterday I was able to hold it together.

Now as you see I looked forward to juicing in the morning with much anticipation. Juicing is my new fix, move over coffee I need the real pick me up! The Keurig would always brew over the fact that you were getting more attention.
Yesterday you made me the most fabulous drink as you somehow knew it would be my last. Grapefruit, beets, cucumber, spinach, carrots, lemon, oranges, tomatoes and celery. It was the perfect symphony of tart and sweet and I only had to use my mesh strainer once to get the pulp out.
Today after I got all my veggies and fruits ready to juice… happened without warning….again it was official. You officially snapped and I couldn’t hold it together. As much as I tried for us.
I know I would call you cheap and say that I didn’t like spending the extra steps by using a strainer to get the pulp out. We did have more bad times than good, but I miss you and I will take you back. Look I have taken worse back. You had a longer shelf life not working than in use.
As much as I am going to miss you, I wont’ miss the clean up or the fear of you always breaking or snapping at me. You were the perfect juicer for those who would juice occasionally as you were temperamental. My days wont be the same as I will be trekking to Mother’s Market to get fresh squeezed juices and I already bought veggie burgers to get me by. I am saving up for a new juicer, just wait and see. I wish I could say it wasn’t you it was all me. Truth is it was all you, I understand how you could have felt used because it was just a give and take relationship. I just thought I was clear with my expectations. I am so sorry you got burned out and broke into pieces. I invested over $100 into this relationship to only get heartache.
I ordered one from Amazon for about 50 bucks after wahtnicg a documentary by a very handsome Aussie guy love the accent from down under! My big mouth HB juicer is is black where your plastic is white, but I believe it is still the same machine. I’ve never juiced before, so today I came here for inspiration. I’m going to juice some grapes and maybe some tangerines later. Thank you for sharing this video so I would know in advance what to expect.