A new chapter

My dear friend Joyce recently moved to the Philippines. I have known Joyce for five years we met while going to school. We both were pursing nursing. We met in an English class and almost every other week she would get flowers on her desk from her secret admirer. It wasn’t her boyfriend either, who is now her husband. Anyone who meets Joyce can’t help but enjoy her company. From her smile, laugh and giving heart, its no wonder she was adorned with flowers every week.

It was bitter sweet bidding farewell to my dear friend as she embarks on this journey with her best friend. My tears are bitter sweet knowing her life will be full of adventure. Joyce changed her major and now does what she is passionate about which is hair and makeup. Joyce is no stranger to enterpuniership. She had her own company while in High School designing and selling clothes. She is so creative. She should be an interior designer as she also designed everything for her wedding. As a side business she also took pictures. This is my sons first professional photo, which I cherish to this day compliments of Joyce!


With this journey I encouraged Joyce to start a blog and write about her adventures away from home. She is so lucky to be with her husband as she explores the world. Most of us have lived in the same bubble our whole life without exploring. How exotic to live outside the country and reinvent yourself and start anew. Her path has been very episodic to say the least. I admire her and look up to her as well. She is like the little sister I always wanted who is so wise beyond her years.

She is so creative and passionate about everything she does. I know this will be one of the most amazing chapters in her life, besides the preface of when she got married ( Click on the link to see the video, make sure you have plenty of tissues near by, geesh and he says he’s not romantic)

After years of hearing about him and now hearing her call him her husband is so amazing, from friendship to lovers. Now while he says he is not romantic I tend to disagree. He is really the knight and shining armor in this  real life fairy tale story.

You can read more about Joyce’s adventures here : in her first blog post titled appropriately New Chapter

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