Today I wasn’t feeling well and I felt a migraine coming on. As most of you know I am trying to incorporate a healthy lifestyle and do things naturally without prescriptions. After I dropped the kids off at school I had an appointment so I decided to go to the Starbucks which was on the way. When I pulled up I saw a sign for Nekter juice bar. Not sure if this was a mirage in my distorted state, so I sat in the car to see if this was too good to be true. I noticed people going in and out so I quickly got my toddler out of the car and we walked in.
I had the opportunity to talk to Shannon who is the franchise owner at the Mission Viejo location. My eyes were red, my face was swollen, I had no makeup on and I was at the beginning stage of a migraine. I knew it was only a matter of time before the fireworks were going to start. After talking to her briefly she asked if I was currently having a migraine. I told her I was, the next thing I know she is ordering my drink to be made.
She told me that the
Tonic Flush would help me and it did!
OHH the firecrackers went off only in my mouth, POWerful!!! I could taste the ginger and it settled my stomach, they add more ginger then I do for my drinks. It tasted great and I was battling with my toddler on who would get more straw time.
Their walls are decorated with beautiful pictures of fruits and vegetables. Each picture describes the benefits of that fruit and vegetable.
This Friday December 6th,
will have their official grand opening at their Mission Viejo location; 28391-A Marguerite Parkway. If you come between the hours of 7-11am you will get a free 16oz juice or smoothie. If you are one of the first 50 people to come in you will get a free $25.00 gift card.
Oh thats not all!!!!!!

If you come in during the grand opening and get a one day juice cleanse you will get it for $35. If you don’t believe how great this deal is check out this
link ~ to find out what a steal this is.
See you Friday, December 6th!